السلام عليكم كونت فاتح موضوع كان يخص البدايات التعليميه لبرنامج البندر alfa2.5
ووضعت فيه tour كانت مهمه .. فوجت تاريح جديد بظهور سلسه جديده فحبيت اعمل بيها موضوع يفيد
خاصه ان السلسه فيها معلومات قويه وفدبوهات جميله
Blender2.5 tour
the tour shows you:
-action zones, then new way to join and split areas
-real time refreshes when splitting and moving area edges
-RNA and the rna viewer
-multiple windows
Blender2.5 tour II
thanks to squggly_p
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=a...db6fb9a8902bda (DivX)
Blender2.5 tour III
please keep in mind this is just a quick dirty tour, so no comments on my voice please ...
i know i didn't mention 4way split, just press F5 and select it
anyway i hope you enjoy it
thx to inazuma (mov) http://www.dark-stone.com/mfoxdogg/2_5_tour_III.mov
Blender2.5 Tour IV
in this i will cover:
- keying sets
- threaded renderer
- 4-way-split
- operators and repeat last action
- menus and a sneak peek at the code
anyway as usual images speak louder then words
Blender2.5 Tour V
this mainly covers the animation improvments, and some UI changes as there isn't much else to cover (i'll do a post on etch-a-ton next week if time permits)
anyway here ya go, I present Blender2.5 tour #5
2.5 Tour #6
covered in this tour
-new buttons and layouts
-resposivness during rendering and animation playback
-scripting, both UI and normal Py scripting
-new drivers system
-resizable subregions
2.5 Tour #7
Thanks to Daniel Metien its now available on vimeo
and to mark this i have made another 2.5 tour
in this tour i'll be covering:
-layout/ui changes, mainly tool settings and user preferences
-interactive console/reports
-basic macros/python
-some time on particlkes+modstack
-basics of the NLA (due to a crash this is cut a bit short, sorry)
external renderers and new features of internal renderer
http://mfoxdogg.com/2_5_tour_VIII.ogg (~100mb, runs for ~40mins)
Bmesh tour 1(8)
(Joeedh) , i have made my first demo video of Bmesh
now i have been following development of this for a very long time i have even ported the mesh primitives to it a long time ago ( code is incompatible now so don't ask)
i am extremely impressed with how far it has gone and it evolution of that time
so any here it is
whats covered:
-new feature rich extrude
-Dissolve (vert/edge/face)
-New feature rich subdivide
-maintenance of edge data (UV's, Vcolours)
-Rotate Edge
-How it behaves with modifiers
2.5 tour #9 part 1: Interface
parts as there is way too much info to cover in one tour.
so anyway here is the first tour, User Interface
i started with UI so you can get to grips with the UI and hoplfully give us nice and proper testing insead of just focusing on UI
what is covered:
-Context! what it is and how to understand it
-UI manipulation, split, join, rip, swap areas
- 3dview tools pane and repeat last operator
- threading, constant responsive UI
- new button types
- misc stuff, like quickly themes colours and such
now please under stand i did not plan this so i do wander off a bit a few times and my speaking might not be completly coherent, so please now comments about that
so enough of me here is blender tour #9 part 1 : user interface
2.5 tour #9 part 2: Animation
it covers
- Basic Keyframing
- Keying sets
- Fcurve basics
- Modifiers
- Drivers ( didn't want to work but i showed the procedure)
- Quat V Eulars
- NLA editor
so anyway here it is 2.5 tour Part2: animation
2.5 tour #9 part 3 : materials/shading
here is part 3 of 2.5 tour #9 : materials and shading
- tour of new buttons layout and how to use it
- multiple material
- Textures
- New bumpmapping and colour managment
- Volumetrics
-Volumetric Textures
2.5 tour #9 part 4 particles and simulation
-where things are now
-new cache system
-point density texture
-and a few other things that have slipped my mind atm (too tired)
I must admit this wasn';t my greatest tour there is quite a few crashes and i tended to wander around a bit but i still hope you all enjoy it
2.5 tour #9 part5 :Cache editing
just watch it and be amazed
Hope you all enjoy it
2.5 tour #9 part6 :Follow Up
like drivers for instance, and alot of the new things
whats covered (from memory :S )
- Continuous Grab
- KeyingSets UI/Keying
-Fcurve modifiers
-Fcurve Pivot Points and 2d Cursor
-Projection Based snapping
-Raytrace improvments
-Practical Example use of Drivers
- anything else that i have forgotten
Anyway here is the tour
And here is the jack in the box .Blend
2.5 tour #9 part7: Python
Sorry for the delay, been very busy, here is part 7 of tour #9 this one goes into a basic lavel of the new py api and tools,
i made this tour friendly to those who don't know python so it should help them atleast use the interactive console and basic python
what's covered
- small ui changes
- Interactive console
- blend py api
- Py Operators
- Py UI
2.5 tour #10
nothing really big enough to write home about, anyway there has been many small things and i think this the first tour since alpha 0 was released so lots of cool new things, i may have missed some small things though :S
anyway its covers
- Colour wheel
- keymaps
- background images
- custom properties
- shell
- multires
- sculpt
- audio
- New playback
- python Operators
- new particle effects
now thats a long list and this is my longest tour to date ~50 minutes long :S
now to stop you from waiting anymore here its is
2.5 Tour #11
fixes, the most messing in comprehensable tour i have done, just to maily give an update of progress and why certain things have not ben done, and got a few big issues off my chest mainly about spacebar
anyway enough rambling
here it is tour #11
Posted by Michael Fox at 1:10 AM
2.5 Shading Recode Tour #1
can get back to showing you all wonders of new developments
and this one is a goodie, the Shading Refactor, basiclly a tour of the renderer improvments of being brought in from durian
topics coverd are
- brief history lesson (boring :P )
- breif talk of whats new in the core (yet more boring junk)
- new lamp mechanics and options
- per tile subdivision
- AO
- enviroment lighting
- Indirrect lighting
- mesh lights
- irradience maps
Here it is
2.5 Tour #12
now there hasn't been much in the way of new features mainly alot of bug fixes so this isn't as jam pack as my previous tours.
whats covered:
-interaction presets
-Addon architecture
- chain script
- dynamic spacebar menu
-new outliner features
-very basic use of particle fluids
-new tools for image editor
- nd anything else i have forgotten :S
I hope you all enjoy this tour and sorry for taking so long and actually staying with me for this long
thanks to loopduplicate he managed to get it working and a little less quality
2.5 Animation Tour #2
Hey all, recently i have been asked alot on how to use 2.5's animation systems, what does all this mean, how do i use drivers etc etc
Until one (oxigen) asked me to make a new tour on how the animation systems work so here it is
whats covered:
-animation related user prefrences
-fcurves and its editor (quite long that one)
-nla editor (only very basic info)
الى من يريد الموقع الاساسى
دا موضوع الجوله القديم اللى كان يخص بدايات بلندرalfa2.5
بالتوفيق للجميع
ووضعت فيه tour كانت مهمه .. فوجت تاريح جديد بظهور سلسه جديده فحبيت اعمل بيها موضوع يفيد
خاصه ان السلسه فيها معلومات قويه وفدبوهات جميله
Blender2.5 tour
the tour shows you:
-action zones, then new way to join and split areas
-real time refreshes when splitting and moving area edges
-RNA and the rna viewer
-multiple windows
Blender2.5 tour II
thanks to squggly_p
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=a...db6fb9a8902bda (DivX)
Blender2.5 tour III
please keep in mind this is just a quick dirty tour, so no comments on my voice please ...
i know i didn't mention 4way split, just press F5 and select it
anyway i hope you enjoy it
thx to inazuma (mov) http://www.dark-stone.com/mfoxdogg/2_5_tour_III.mov
Blender2.5 Tour IV
in this i will cover:
- keying sets
- threaded renderer
- 4-way-split
- operators and repeat last action
- menus and a sneak peek at the code
anyway as usual images speak louder then words
Blender2.5 Tour V
this mainly covers the animation improvments, and some UI changes as there isn't much else to cover (i'll do a post on etch-a-ton next week if time permits)
anyway here ya go, I present Blender2.5 tour #5
2.5 Tour #6
covered in this tour
-new buttons and layouts
-resposivness during rendering and animation playback
-scripting, both UI and normal Py scripting
-new drivers system
-resizable subregions
2.5 Tour #7
Thanks to Daniel Metien its now available on vimeo
and to mark this i have made another 2.5 tour
in this tour i'll be covering:
-layout/ui changes, mainly tool settings and user preferences
-interactive console/reports
-basic macros/python
-some time on particlkes+modstack
-basics of the NLA (due to a crash this is cut a bit short, sorry)
external renderers and new features of internal renderer
http://mfoxdogg.com/2_5_tour_VIII.ogg (~100mb, runs for ~40mins)
Bmesh tour 1(8)
(Joeedh) , i have made my first demo video of Bmesh
now i have been following development of this for a very long time i have even ported the mesh primitives to it a long time ago ( code is incompatible now so don't ask)
i am extremely impressed with how far it has gone and it evolution of that time
so any here it is
whats covered:
-new feature rich extrude
-Dissolve (vert/edge/face)
-New feature rich subdivide
-maintenance of edge data (UV's, Vcolours)
-Rotate Edge
-How it behaves with modifiers
2.5 tour #9 part 1: Interface
parts as there is way too much info to cover in one tour.
so anyway here is the first tour, User Interface
i started with UI so you can get to grips with the UI and hoplfully give us nice and proper testing insead of just focusing on UI
what is covered:
-Context! what it is and how to understand it
-UI manipulation, split, join, rip, swap areas
- 3dview tools pane and repeat last operator
- threading, constant responsive UI
- new button types
- misc stuff, like quickly themes colours and such
now please under stand i did not plan this so i do wander off a bit a few times and my speaking might not be completly coherent, so please now comments about that
so enough of me here is blender tour #9 part 1 : user interface
2.5 tour #9 part 2: Animation
it covers
- Basic Keyframing
- Keying sets
- Fcurve basics
- Modifiers
- Drivers ( didn't want to work but i showed the procedure)
- Quat V Eulars
- NLA editor
so anyway here it is 2.5 tour Part2: animation
2.5 tour #9 part 3 : materials/shading
here is part 3 of 2.5 tour #9 : materials and shading
- tour of new buttons layout and how to use it
- multiple material
- Textures
- New bumpmapping and colour managment
- Volumetrics
-Volumetric Textures
2.5 tour #9 part 4 particles and simulation
-where things are now
-new cache system
-point density texture
-and a few other things that have slipped my mind atm (too tired)
I must admit this wasn';t my greatest tour there is quite a few crashes and i tended to wander around a bit but i still hope you all enjoy it
2.5 tour #9 part5 :Cache editing
just watch it and be amazed
Hope you all enjoy it
2.5 tour #9 part6 :Follow Up
like drivers for instance, and alot of the new things
whats covered (from memory :S )
- Continuous Grab
- KeyingSets UI/Keying
-Fcurve modifiers
-Fcurve Pivot Points and 2d Cursor
-Projection Based snapping
-Raytrace improvments
-Practical Example use of Drivers
- anything else that i have forgotten
Anyway here is the tour
And here is the jack in the box .Blend
2.5 tour #9 part7: Python
Sorry for the delay, been very busy, here is part 7 of tour #9 this one goes into a basic lavel of the new py api and tools,
i made this tour friendly to those who don't know python so it should help them atleast use the interactive console and basic python
what's covered
- small ui changes
- Interactive console
- blend py api
- Py Operators
- Py UI
2.5 tour #10
nothing really big enough to write home about, anyway there has been many small things and i think this the first tour since alpha 0 was released so lots of cool new things, i may have missed some small things though :S
anyway its covers
- Colour wheel
- keymaps
- background images
- custom properties
- shell
- multires
- sculpt
- audio
- New playback
- python Operators
- new particle effects
now thats a long list and this is my longest tour to date ~50 minutes long :S
now to stop you from waiting anymore here its is
2.5 Tour #11
fixes, the most messing in comprehensable tour i have done, just to maily give an update of progress and why certain things have not ben done, and got a few big issues off my chest mainly about spacebar
anyway enough rambling
here it is tour #11
Posted by Michael Fox at 1:10 AM
2.5 Shading Recode Tour #1
can get back to showing you all wonders of new developments
and this one is a goodie, the Shading Refactor, basiclly a tour of the renderer improvments of being brought in from durian
topics coverd are
- brief history lesson (boring :P )
- breif talk of whats new in the core (yet more boring junk)
- new lamp mechanics and options
- per tile subdivision
- AO
- enviroment lighting
- Indirrect lighting
- mesh lights
- irradience maps
Here it is
2.5 Tour #12
now there hasn't been much in the way of new features mainly alot of bug fixes so this isn't as jam pack as my previous tours.
whats covered:
-interaction presets
-Addon architecture
- chain script
- dynamic spacebar menu
-new outliner features
-very basic use of particle fluids
-new tools for image editor
- nd anything else i have forgotten :S
I hope you all enjoy this tour and sorry for taking so long and actually staying with me for this long
thanks to loopduplicate he managed to get it working and a little less quality
2.5 Animation Tour #2
Hey all, recently i have been asked alot on how to use 2.5's animation systems, what does all this mean, how do i use drivers etc etc
Until one (oxigen) asked me to make a new tour on how the animation systems work so here it is
whats covered:
-animation related user prefrences
-fcurves and its editor (quite long that one)
-nla editor (only very basic info)
الى من يريد الموقع الاساسى
دا موضوع الجوله القديم اللى كان يخص بدايات بلندرalfa2.5
بالتوفيق للجميع